Sunday, 4 December 2011


Danau Ayamaru , Framu . Maybrat
Maybrat is one of regencies in Papua. It bounded with Fef, Senopi and Kebar in North; Kokoda and Kais in South; Moswaren, Wayer and Sawiat in West; North Moskona and South Moskona in East.
Maybrat regency is am expand area from South Sorong regency since 2009. This regency, like any other area in Papua, is such a wonderful regency.
One of the natural beauties in this location is Framu lake. Framu Lake is a small part of the Ayamaru lake, which is located in the Maybrat West Papua Province. At the map is fitting on head Bird of Papua.
Other destinations are also shown the beauty of the nature that worth to be visited.